Monday, April 4, 2011

Cake Auction Rescheduled

The Cake Auction has been rescheduled! The snow stopped us last time, but Spring is in the air and we are ready to Celebrate!
The new Date is:

Sunday, April 10th 2011
Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Where: Methodist CAMP (top of Elm St. in Wrightwood)
What to bring: Decorate a Wild, Beautiful or Crazy Cake and Auction it off to help the Friends of Scouting, the Shinedling Family, and our Pack 351.
It's a Great Fundraiser and Always a lot of Fun!!

We will have an Outdoor Flag Ceremony (Wolves, you need this for Requirements 2E-2F), as well as some other outdoor activities for the scouts, and the Cake Auction--See you at 3:00pm!