Registration Info

Pack 351 is located in Wrightwood CA but any family within the tri-community area is welcome to join. Cub Scouts begins in 1st grade with Tiger Cubs and goes through 5th grade as Webelos Scouts. Once your son enters 6th grade, he would join the local Boy Scout Troop. Each grade level has their own den meeting twice a month and the entire pack meets about once a month for a large event. Currently the annual dues are $60 plus a required fundraiser in the fall (or $40 buyout). We'll have a Pack event in late summer where you will be able to sign up or re-register for this upcoming year. Keep an eye out on the blog for those dates. If you miss this event or would like more information, please feel free to email Pack 351. We will get you in touch with your den leader for meetings and with our Treasurer to register/pay dues. Scouting is a great way for boys to learn leadership skills, responsibility, and have fun - come check it out!

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