Cub Scout Pack 351
Holiday Party
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Where: Methodist Church CAMP (top of Elm St.)
Time: 3:00-5:00pm
What: Awards, Games & Activities, Potluck
Potluck Items by Den:
Tigers - Dessert or Drinks
Wolves - Main or Side Dish
Bears - Main or Side Dish
Wolves - Main or Side Dish
Bears - Main or Side Dish
Webelos - Dessert or Drinks
Activity Details:
--"Gingerbread" Houses - Please have boys bring small milk cartons from school.
--Games –Gift “Un-Wrapping” Relay race, Marshmallow Toss & Candy Cane Fishing & "Snow" Shoveling
--Red Cross Holiday Mail For Heroes - We'll have a table set up to make/sign holiday cards for service members, veterans, and their families.
--Games –Gift “Un-Wrapping” Relay race, Marshmallow Toss & Candy Cane Fishing & "Snow" Shoveling
--Red Cross Holiday Mail For Heroes - We'll have a table set up to make/sign holiday cards for service members, veterans, and their families.
Questions?: Becky Johnson 760-249-6874 or
Christi McKain 760-249-5860