Friday, January 27, 2012

Wrightwood Trail Cleanup Day

Thursday, February 2, 2012 is a minimum day at school and our Pack will be doing a Cleanup on the Wrightwood Trail beginning at Sheep Creek Road moving west towards Lone Pine Canyon Road shortly after school gets out.  We'll be parking on the frontage road south of HWY 2 for safety. Please either wear your uniform or green Pack t-shirt.  They would like us to (1) Rake the pine needles and pine cones off of the trail, (2) line the trail (off the compacted granite, not on) with either rocks or pine cones, (3) clip/cut any tree branches that may interfere with walking on the trail, and (4) clean up trash.

If you can bring any of the following items, it would be helpful:

Pruning Sheers
Trash Bags

Doing service projects together is one way that Cub Scouts keep their promise "to help other people." While a Scout should do his best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. While you're giving service, you're learning to work together with others to do something that's good for your community.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Summer Camp 6/24-6/27

Summer Camp 2012 Information

This year, we'll be attending Summer Camp at Camp Pollock (near Lake Arrowhead) from June 24-June 27, 2012. We attended this camp last year and found it to be very well run and everyone had a great time!  The Theme this year is "Wildlife Safari at Camp Pollockgascar".

The cost is $190/scout & $110/adult*
Payment Schedule (for 1 scout & 1 adult):
2/10/12 -- $75 due
3/09/12 -- $75 due
4/13/12 -- $75 due
5/11/12 -- $75 due
Check are Payable to "Pack 351" and can be given to Christi McKain or Becky Johnson or mailed to:

Christi McKain
PO Box 2895
Wrightwood, CA 92397

*Adults who will be trading off days with another adult only need to pay for 1 adult, but both adults will need medical forms.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pinewood Derby 1/29

Pinewood Derby
January 29, 2012
Location: Sunrise Church, Hwy 2, Wrightwood
Set-up track starts at 1:30 pm
Check-in begins at 2:30 pm
Racing starts at 3:00 pm
Ends about 5:00-ish

Bring Snacks & Drinks to Share (Peanut/Tree Nut Free Zone)

Sibling Races will also be held. Car Kits for siblings are $4.00.
 Race Rules:  Cars must be 5 ounces or less. You must use the car kit you were given (no Michael’s cars or wheels). You may add weights, paint and decorations, but DO NOT alter the width of the car or it won't fit down the track. Also, the cars run down a track with a raised guide between the wheels so don't add anything to bottom of your car except a very thin weight.