Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Pinewood Derby 1/12/14 2:30-5

Pinewood Derby

Pack 351 Cub Scouts

January 12, 2014


Location: Camp Wrightwood, Dining Hall

Set-up track starts at 1:30 pm

Check-in begins at 2:30 pm

Racing starts at 3:00 pm

Ends about 5:00-ish

Bring Snacks & Drinks to Share (Peanut/Tree Nut Free Zone)

Sibling Races will also be held. Car Kits for siblings are $4.00.

Scout Race Rules: Cars must be 5 ounces or less. You must use the car kit you were given (no hobby store cars, axles or wheels). We want the Boys to play on an even playing field. No shaping of the wheels except to remove any bumps from the factory.You may add weights, paint and decorations, but DO NOT alter the width of the axles. The cars run down a track with a raised guide between the wheels. Do not add anything to bottom of your car except a very thin weight. Height of the car cannot exceed 4-1/2” or it will get stuck under the timer. Boys must build the car on their own as much as possible.

Dads can build their own cars and participate in a Dad race. No rules on these cars!

We will try to set up a Weigh-in day a week or so before the race--watch for an email.

Have Fun and Good Luck!